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BIDS workshop

resources for a BIDS workshop


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Go to the visual studio code website and click the download button for either the .deb (Ubuntu, Debian) or the .rpm (Fedora, CentOS) file.

Double-click the downloaded file to install VSCode. (You may be prompted to type your administrator password during the install).


  1. Open a new terminal and type the following lines (separately) into the terminal, pressing Enter after each one:
  1. A license agreement will be displayed and the bottom of the terminal will read --More--. Press Enter or the space bar until you are prompted with “Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no].” Type yes and then press Enter
  2. The installation script will inform you that it is going to install into a default directory (e.g., /home/$USER/miniconda3). Leave this default and press Enter.
  3. When you are asked “Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniconda3 by running conda init? [yes|no],” type yes and press Enter. Exit the terminal once the installation has finished.
  4. Re-open a new terminal. You should also see a (base) at the beginning of your prompt on your terminal.Type which python into the terminal and it should return a path (e.g., /home/$USER/miniconda3/bin/python).
    • If you do not see a path like this then please try typing conda init, closing your terminal, and repeating this step. If your issue is still not resolved skip the following step and contact Rémi so he can help you directly.
  5. Type the following to remove the installation script that was downloaded:
rm ./


  1. You will be following different instructions depending on your distro (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS). Make sure to follow the “Install using the repository” method!
  2. Once you’ve installed Docker make sure to follow the post-install instructions as well. You only need to do the “Manage Docker as a non-root user” and “Configure Docker to start on boot” steps.
  3. Open a new terminal and type docker run hello-world. A brief introductory message should be printed to the screen.