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Intermediate goals

Once we have a prototype for a checklist we want to optimize them to make that they are comprehensive and cover all the items of the guidelines and to minimize the amount of time the user has to interact with the checklist.

Improve user-friendliness

In line with the idea of trying to minimize how much time the users have to spend using the app, we want to pre-select response choices to some items depending on the software users report having used in their analysis.

For example, if SPM was used to do slice timing correction, there is no reason to ask users what type of interpolation was used as SPM does not give users the possibility to choose that parameter. Finding out what are the choice options for each item for the neuroimaging software used could help users navigate the app faster.

Another potential way to improve users experience is to only expose users to items that are relevant to them. For example, we want to make sure that the items related "arterial spin labelling" are displayed only if the user mentioned they used this technique in a previous section of the checklist.

Improving the wording

The questions of the checklist must be as unambiguous as possible. This should be improved through early user feedback.

Extended checklists

Right now, several of the prototypes contains only a subset of all the questions from the reports they came from. For example, the MRI checklist only contain the items corresponding to the metadata of a collection of results uploaded on Neurovault.

In the near future, we want to be able to extend those checklists so they include all the items listed in their guidelines.

Data processed with some standardized pipelines (like fMRIprep) could facilitate filling in the checklist: ticking the box corresponding to that pipeline would automatically populate all the relevant fields in the COBIDAS-json file.

Standardize terminology

Ensure that the across apps the same terminology is used by trying to rely on the BIDS terminology with reference to other lexicons or ontology.