About Me

Remi Gau

I wanted to understand how the brain works, now I tell people how to name files, folders and variables.


cohort creator

Creates a neuroimaging cohort by aggregating data across datasets.


Machine learning for NeuroImaging in Python.


A code base to automatically run SPM analysis on BIDS datasets.


User friendly checklist for MRI methods reporting.


BIDS app to decode eye motion for fMRI time series data.


An Octave/MATLAB implementation of the mustache templating language.


User friendly checklist for MRI methods reporting.


Create a citation file for a BIDS dataset.

Online neuroimaging resources

A list of resources for neuroimaging

The hitchhacker's guide to the brain

Doing brain science is complicated but DON'T PANIC


MIND team (INRIA, Paris, France)

Nilearn maintainer

September 2024
Research Software Engineer

Origami lab (The Neuro, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada)

Nilearn maintainer

May 2023
Research associate

Cross-modal perception plasticity lab (université catholique de Louvain, Louvain la neuve, Belgium)

Laminar fMRI at 7T

Jan. 2019
Post doctoral fellow

University of Birmingham (Birmingham, UK)

Laminar fMRI at 7T

Jan. 2013
Post doctoral fellow

Max Planck Institute for biological cybernetics (Tuebingen, Germany)

Multisensory integration, fMRI

Jan. 2012
Post doctoral fellow

Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France)

Electrophysiology, Pain, Cardiovascular regulations, Serotonin

PhD student

Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France)

Pain, Cardiovascular regulations, Serotonin

Master student

Universite Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)

dyslexia, fMRI

Master student

My Skills

Source repo. Adapted from the Jalpc template for Jekyll.