If “untested code is broken code” then “undocumented code is no code at all”. You may have created the most useful tool but if you have no documentation explaining how to use it, then it is almost as if you had not written any code.

Here I will show how to get started with several documentation frameworks:

Table of content

  • The awesome Write the docs. Make sure to check out their slack workspace!

Jekyll + GitHub pages

Jekyll is a static website generator based on ruby. Static websites: HTML + CSS but no database.

  • Use case:
    • Serve the markdown content of repo as a website.
  • Advantages:
    • integrate REALLY easily with github
    • easy way to get started with html / css
    • lots of templates to choose from for personal website, events…
    • can use the liquid templating language
  • Not covered:
    • local set up: installing ruby + jekyll and serving the website

Setting up jekyll

This post explains how to set up jekyll if you already have conda on your computer.

  • Examples:
    • most of the brainhack local site events
    • the website you are currently readinbg


  • have a github repo with some markdown in it

Don’t know what to write?

Note you can mix markdown and HTML.


  1. add a config.yml file in the root of the repo with the theme for your website with the following content:

    theme: jekyll-theme-minimal

    The themes supported by github pages are listed on this page. You can also preview what they will look like.

  2. Got to the Settings tab of the repo, then to the Pages menu, then under the Branch section choose the default branch of your repo and then save. This should trigger the build and deploy of the website.

  3. Browse your website at this URL: https://your-github-username.github.io/your-repo-name.

    The github action to build the website will be triggered by any new push to the default branch.

    You can always monitor the github action in the Actions tab of the repo.


Reuse templates

There are a LOT of available jekyll templates:

Create your own academic site in less than 5 minutes

  1. Create a new repo using the template https://github.com/academicpages/academicpages.github.io but name it YOUR-GITHUHB-USERNAME.github.io.
  2. Deploy using github pages.
  3. Start editing the .config.yml.

Mkdocs + read the docs

Mkdocs is a python package to help create documentation website from markdown files.

  • Use case:
    • Create some official looking documentation website from markdown.
  • Advantages:
    • integrate easily with github
    • integrate easily with read the docs (allow easy preview on pull requests)
    • easy to work with locally
    • many extensions and plugins
    • the use of macros makes it a very powerful framework
  • Inconvenients:
    • less flewibility in terms of looks
  • Examples:
    • BIDS specification
    • neurobagel documentation


  • have a github repo with some markdown in it
  • python to serve locally


  1. Clone your repo.

  2. Install mkdocs.

    pip install mkdocs
  3. Create minimal config.

    mkdocs new .

    Will create a mkdocs.yml in the root of the repo and a doc/index.md which will be the landing page of the website.

  4. Serve locally.

    mkdocs serve

    You can then browse the documentation as a website at

    Updating an markdown file, should automatically update the website.

    Kill the serve with ctrl + c.

  5. Change the default theme.

    Install mkdocs-material

    pip install mkdocs-material

    Add it to the mkdocs.yml that should now look like this.

    site_name: My Docs
       name: material

    Serve the website again and check the difference.

    mkdocs serve

See the next section to see how to use Read The Docs to deploy your doc.

Serve to Read The Docs

Read the docs is a service that allows you to host your documentation.

  1. Add a requirements.txt in the root of the repo.

  2. Add a .readthedocs.yaml in the root of the repo.

    version: 2
       os: ubuntu-22.04
          python: "3.11"
    # Build documentation with Mkdocs
       configuration: mkdocs.yml
    # Dependencies required to build your docs
       - requirements: requirements.txt
  3. Commit and push.

    git add --all
    git commit -m 'add requirements and RTD config'
    git push
  4. Log in to read the docs: https://readthedocs.org/accounts/login.

  5. Find the repo below Import a Repository or go for the Import Manually option.

    If the latter, fill in the Name, Repository URL and Default branch fields and click Next

  6. Click on Build Version.

    Once the build is completed, you should be able to see the website at:


  7. Make sure a preview of the doc is done on every pull request.

    Go to the Admin tab, tick the box below Build pull requests for this project: and click Save


Quick tips to avoid dead links and spelling mistakes in your documentation.

pre-commit and codespell

You can use the pre-commit git-hook framework to automatically run codespell to check the content of your repository for spelling mistakes.

  1. Create a .pre-commit-config.yaml in your repository:

    # See https://pre-commit.com for more information
    # See https://pre-commit.com/hooks.html for more hooks
    # Checks for spelling errors
    -  repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell
       rev: v2.3.0
       -   id: codespell
  2. Install pre-commit and install the git hooks

    pip install pre-commit
    pre-commit install

This will make sure that codespell is run every time you commit to make you only commit “clean” content.

You may need to add a config file for codespell that looks like this:

skip = .git
ignore-words-list = list,of,words,separated,by,commas
builtin = clear,rare

If the framework you use cannot easily check for dead link links in your documentation, you can use a github action that runs markdown-link-check on your markdown files.

Create a .github/workflows/check_md_links.yml with the following content

name: Check markdown links

        branches: [main]

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        -   uses: actions/checkout@master
        -   uses: gaurav-nelson/github-action-markdown-link-check@v1
                use-quiet-mode: yes
                use-verbose-mode: yes
                # extra config file to ignore some links
                config-file: md_link_check_config.json
                # folder containing your doc
                folder-path: docs
                # extra files to validate
                file-path: ./README.md

The configuration file would look like this.

  "ignorePatterns": [
      "pattern": "^https://doi.org\/"
  "timeout": "20s",
  "retryOn429": true

Sphinx + read the docs

Sphinx is a python package to help create documentation website from files written using restructured text / markdown.

  • Use case:
    • Create a documentation website for a python code base.
  • Advantages:
    • autodoc functionality renders the doc strings of python code
    • possible to work with markdown files using the MyST plugin.
    • integrate easily with read the docs (allow easy preview on pull requests)
    • support other languages than python (e.g Matlab / Octave).
    • easy to work with locally
    • many extensions and plugins
    • a decent selection of themes
  • Inconvenients:
    • the restructured text syntax is less forgiving than that of markdown
  • Examples:
    • pretty much the doc website of any python package


  • have a github repo with some python code in it
  • python to serve locally


  1. Install sphinx.

    pip install sphinx
  2. Initial set up.

    mkdir docs
    cd docs

    Respond to the questions in the prompt.

    ├── docs
    │   ├── make.bat
    │   ├── Makefile
    │   └── source
    │       ├── conf.py
    │       ├── index.rst
    │       ├── _static
    │       └── _templates
    └── README.md
  3. Build the doc.

    make html
  4. View the doc.

    Open docs/build/html/index.html

  5. Use MySt to render a markdown file.

    Install myst.

    pip install myst-parser

    Add "myst_parser" to the list of extensions in docs/source/conf.py.

    extensions = ["myst_parser"]

    Add a markdown file in the source directory of the doc.

    ├── docs
    │   ├── make.bat
    │   ├── Makefile
    │   └── source
    │       ├── conf.py
    │       ├── index.rst
    │       ├── markdown_is_possible.md    <---
    │       ├── _static
    │       └── _templates
    └── README.md

    And add it into the docs/source/index.rst file.

    .. toctree::
       :maxdepth: 2
       :caption: Contents:
  6. Change the theme.

    Install the furo theme.

    pip install furo

    Change html_theme in docs/source/conf.py.

    html_theme = "furo"

    Rebuild the doc to check the new theme.

  7. Auto-document your python code.

    Add a python module src/some_python_code.py

    ├── docs
    │   ├── make.bat
    │   ├── Makefile
    │   └── source
    │       ├── conf.py
    │       ├── index.rst
    │       ├── markdown_is_possible.md
    │       ├── modules
    │       │   └── api.rst
    │       ├── _static
    │       └── _templates
    ├── src
    │   └── some_python_code.py    <---
    └── README.md

    Add some code in it with a few functions.

    def foo() -> None:
       """Public function should appear in the doc.
       Return ``None``.
       return None
    def _bar():
       """Private function should not appear in the doc."""

    Modify docs/source/conf.py so that the python code is in its path when ti runs, by adding the following lines:

    import os
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../.."))

    Also add the "sphinx.ext.autodoc" extension to autodocument code to list of active extensions in docs/source/conf.py.

    extensions = ["myst_parser", "sphinx.ext.autodoc",]

    Now create a .rst file in the doc/source where the doc of your code will be rendered.

    ├── docs
    │   ├── make.bat
    │   ├── Makefile
    │   └── source
    │       ├── conf.py
    │       ├── index.rst
    │       ├── markdown_is_possible.md
    │       ├── modules
    │       │   └── api.rst    <---
    │       ├── _static
    │       └── _templates
    ├── src
    │   └── some_python_code.py
    └── README.md

    And add in it the sphinx directive to autodocument the code:

    .. sphinx directives to auto doc code
    .. automodule:: src.some_python_code

    Rebuild the doc to check the new theme.

Serve to Read The Docs

  1. Add a requirements.txt in the root of the repo.

  2. Add a .readthedocs.yaml in the root of the repo.

    version: 2
       os: ubuntu-22.04
          python: "3.11"
    # Build documentation with sphinx
       configuration: docs/source/conf.py
    # Dependencies required to build your docs
       - requirements: requirements.txt
  3. The rest of the process is the same as for MkDocs.


Jupyter book + GitHub pages

  • Use cases:
    • Create a documentation website for project containing Markdown documents and Jupyter notebooks.
  • Advantages
    • easy to work with locally
    • easy way to integrate executable code in your documentation
  • Examples:


  • have a github repo with some markdown in it
  • python to serve locally


  1. Install jupyter book.

    pip install -U jupyter-book
  2. Create a book template

    jupyter book jupyter-book-primer
  3. Move into the directory that was created and build the book

    cd  jupyter-book-primer
    jupyter book build .
  4. Browse the book that was created by opening the landing page _build/html/index.html.

  5. Turn into a repository, gitignore the _build and commit all the created content

    echo _build > .gitignore
    git add --all
    git commit -m 'initial commit'
  6. Add a GitHub repo as remote and push to github

    git remote add origin <URL_OF_REMOTE>
    git push --set-upstream origin main

Serve via GitHub pages

  1. Add a github workflow to serve the book via github pages

    On your repository go to Settings -> Pages, and for Source choose GitHub Actions.

    Create a file .github/workflows/deploy.yml with the following content.

    name: deploy-book
    # Run this when the master or main branch changes
          - main
    # This job installs dependencies, builds the book, and pushes it to `gh-pages`
       runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          pages: write
          id-token: write
          - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          # Install dependencies
          -  name: Set up Python 3.11
             uses: actions/setup-python@v4
                python-version: 3.11
          -  name: Install dependencies
             run: |
                pip install -r requirements.txt
          # Build the book
          -  name: Build the book
             run: |
                jupyter-book build .
          # Upload the book's HTML as an artifact
          -  name: Upload artifact
             uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v2
                path: "_build/html"
          # Deploy the book's HTML to GitHub Pages
          -  name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
             id: deployment
             uses: actions/deploy-pages@v2
  2. Commit and push the file:

    git add .github
    git commit -m "add build and deploy workflow"
    git push

GitHub should then take over and serve your documentation.
